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Exploring the Fun Style of Yannie Kim, a Woman from Indonesia who has successfully Played Korean Drama

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Yannie Kim, a native Bekasi woman who now lives and has a career in South Korea thanks to her perseverance. She, who initially worked at an electronics company, has now 'slammed the steering' into acting, namely becoming an actress in several drama hits in Korea. Yannie Kim, whose real name is Yannie Mustofa, caught the attention of Hipwee Style, especially about her fun and eccentric style. Can really be a reference if you are bored with the same style!

Often miss the country, Yannie who is now busy as an influencer still often wears typical Indonesian clothes such as batik or kebaya. Indeed, the style is still very Indonesian!

The mother of two children also did not hesitate to wear tops with a feel of a vintage nan mini when relaxed. Focus also on the adorable jeans culottes!

Minimalist make-up and its flagship bob hair are already ‘very Korean’! This is a good idea, for those of you who want to look youthful in the style of Korean girls like Ms. Yannie

Chocolate parka with large buttons like this has always been Yannie's mainstay when shooting the drama she played. It's simple, but funny!

Edgy-style with a white shirt and super large belt, Yannie looks like contemporary Korean artists, huh? His boots also perfect this Yannie look!

Orange lipstick is always successful in refreshing the look of the face. Yannie proves, accentuating the color of the lips alone is effective for making your pale face brighter

If you wear a polka dot patterned mini dress, it doesn't look like Yannie is a mother or not? Uh, annoying!

See, I'm proud of being a native of Indonesia seeing Yannie's achievements, which of course are not easy to get? Besides you can take wisdom from his life's journey, Yannie's fun styles can also be a reference!

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